TAKE COVER: Journalism Safety in Reporting Organised Crime

According to the last RSF report, in Italy alone there are 196 journalists whose freedom and lives are currently under threat because of their work. But Italy, the homeland of some of the most powerful mafia groups worldwide, is not alone: each and every single country in the old continent is at risk. And when […]

Italia: un paese sicuro

Trovate QUI il sito della rubrica promossa in collaborazione con Assocamerestero al fine di offrire informazioni “corrette e trasparenti” sul reale impatto su tutto il Sistema Italia del Coronavirus, che rischia di danneggiare durevolmente il nostro Made in Italy e il turismo.L’adozione di misure straordinarie di prevenzione, come la chiusura temporanea di alcuni luoghi o la sospensione di alcuni […]

Italy: A Safe Country.

Find HERE the heading promoted in collaboration with Assocamerestero to provide information “fair and transparent” about the real impact on the whole Italian system of coronavirus, which can damage permanently the Italian products and tourism.The adoption of extraordinary preventive measures, such as temporary closure of some sites or suspension of some events, are precautionary measures that have nothing to […]