Assemblea Generale Annuale 2024

Comunicato Stampa Programma Assemblea: 17:00 BST – Arrivo dei soci e registrazioni 17:30 BST – Inizio dell’Assemblea Annuale, 17:30 (first notice) o 17.45 (second notice) 18:30 BST – Networking reception L’Assemblea Generale Annuale 2024, tenutasi giovedi 6 giugno 2024, ha avuto luogo presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Londra. L’incontro, tenutosi in presenza, ha registrato un’alta partecipazione. […]

ICCIUK Annual General Meeting 2024

Press Release AGM Programme: 17:00 BST – Members arrival and registration 17:30 BST – Start of the Annual General Meeting, 17:30 (first notice) / 17.45 (second notice) 18:30 BST – Networking reception The Annual General Meeting 2024 took place on Thursday 6th June, and for the second time it was held at the Italian Embassy in London. […]