A new (postponed) deadline for UKCA marking

A new (postponed) deadline for UKCA marking HM Government will continue to recognise the CE marking for 2 years, therefore allowing businesses until 31 December 2024 to prepare for the UKCA marking, as part of new Ministers’ commitment to provide businesses with more flexibility and reduce burdens for businesses.  Read the updated UKCA guidance on […]

ITA AIRWAYS: Best airline for business travellers

SHORT AND MEDIUM HAUL COVETED TITLE WON AT THE FIRST EDITION OF THE EUROPEAN MISSION AWARDS Press release Rome, October 11, 2022 – Yesterday, ITA Airways was awarded the prestigious title of ‘Best Airline for Business Travelers – Short and Medium Haul’ during the awards ceremony of the EMA – European Mission Awards. This year […]

Sua Maestà la Regina Elisabetta II: 21 aprile 1926 – 8 settembre 2022

A nome della Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per il Regno Unito porgiamo le nostre più sentite condoglianze alla Famiglia Reale. Il nostro Presidente Alessandro Belluzzo ha aggiunto: “Sono profondamente addolorato per la scomparsa di Sua Maestà la Regina Elisabetta. La Sua dedizione al dovere e al servizio è stata un esempio per tutti. […]

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – 21 April 1926 to 8 September 2022

On behalf of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK we send our deepest condolences to the Royal Family and to the others who share their grief. Our President Alessandro Belluzzo added “I am deeply saddened by the passing of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Her dedication to duty and service was an […]

Guida alla nuova marcatura di conformità del prodotto: UKCA e UKNI

Il Dipartimento Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) del governo britannico sta conducendo una campagna di sensibilizzazione sul nuovo regime normativo del Regno Unito per i prodotti manifatturieri per garantire che le imprese estere possano continuare a immettere merci sul mercato del Regno Unito . Il nuovo marchio di conformità del prodotto del Regno Unito, […]

Step by step guide to the UKCA and UKNI new product conformity marking

As part of a programme of engagement work, the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is conducting to raise awareness about the UK’s new regulatory regime for manufactured goods to ensure that overseas businesses can continue to place goods on the UK market. The UK’s new product conformity marking, the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) […]

Assemblea Generale Annuale 2022

Comunicato stampa Programma Assemblea: 18:15 – Discorso d’apertura pronunciato da S.E. l’Ambasciatore d’Italia a Londra Raffaele Trombetta 18:25 – Inizio della presentazione dei punti all’ordine del giorno da parte del Presidente Alessandro Belluzzo 19:15 – Aperitivo di networking gentilmente sponsorizzato dal socio Macellaio RC L’Assemblea Generale Annuale 2022, tenutasi martedì 3 maggio 2022, ha avuto […]

ICCIUK Annual General Meeting 2022

Press Release AGM Programme: 18:15 – Opening speech by H.E. The Ambassador of Italy to the UK Raffaele Trombetta 18:25 – AGM conducted by ICCIUK President Alessandro Belluzzo 19:15 – Networking reception kindly sponsored by ICCIUK Member Macellaio RC The Annual General Meeting 2022 took place on Tuesday 3rd May 2022, and for the first […]