A Coffee with Mariella Carlotti

Esharelife Foundation, in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of San Marino in London, is honoured to present the Webinar ” Un Caffè in Compagnia di Mariella Carlotti”.During the Webinar, Ms Carlotti will give a lecture on the theme of work, starting from the analysis of the panels carved on Giotto’s bell tower […]

The market situation in the UK – How to keep doing business

By virtue of the agreement between IMIT and Assocamerestero, a meeting was organised with the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK in order to provide IMIT members with information relating to the British market, illustrating the real economic situation in the country, with two focuses on the food and fashion/design sectors, paying […]

Organized crime and the post Covid-19 pandemic context: what will it look like?

July 1, 2020 – 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm BST (16:00 – 18:00 CEST)Covid-19 is likely to be a business opportunity for those with funds, particularly illegal funds to be re-put on the market thanks to sophisticated money laundering processes.Ms. Emanuela Truffo, Dr. Felia Allum and Mr. Edoardo Fiora will discuss key topics related to […]

Back to Business: A Talk with Minister Ivan McKee (Scotland)

The Scottish Office of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK, the Consulate General of Italy for Scotland and Northern Ireland and the COMITES Scotland and Northern Ireland have organised an informative webinar for the Italian business community in Scotland with a very special guest: Ivan McKee MSP, Minister for Trade, Investment and Innovation from the Scottish Government. […]

Mediation as tool of sustainable justice between Milan & London

25th June 2020 (from 5pm to 7pm CEST) Moderator: Danilo Giorgio Grattoni (avvocato at freebly) Speakers: Patrizia Altomano (avvocato, manager of the Organismo di Mediazione Società Umanitaria Fondazione PM Loria)  Arran Dowling Hussey (barrister, arbitrator, deputy head ofarbitration & ADR at Bedford Row Chambers)  Antonello Leogrande (FCIArb, avvocato,solicitor, co-founder freebly, partner gunnercooke)  Roger Levitt (MCIArb, […]

ICCIUK Annual General Meeting

The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UKgives notice ofthe Annual General Meeting 2020.Wednesday 24th June 3:45 pm (First Notice) – 4:00 pm (Second Notice) BST1 Princes Street, London W1B 2AY (if not stated differently). We are pleased to announce that H.E. Ambassador Raffaele Trombetta will join the meeting at 5:00 pm. Members will receive all […]

Best Practices for Communication in COVID Times

NEXT WEBINAR ALERT  with our #member Webizz Isabella Federico: Best Practices for Communication in COVID times!Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been impacted by the #coronavirus outbreak.Many suspended or reduced services, many resumed their business as usual but still face an uncertain economy.How should SMEs communicate with their stakeholders during this tough time? In this #webinar, […]

International litigation facing two challenges: Brexit and Covid-19

May 20, 2020 – 10:00 am – 12:00 am BST (11:00 am – 1:00 pm CEST) Brexit per se amounts to a challenge for risk and international litigation management. Now, Brexit has been joined by the current COVID-19 pandemic.Ms. Emanuela Truffo and Mr. Mark Brown will discuss key topics related to the new challenges businesses […]