PARTNERSHIP | Spring 2020 24 Martina Franca, where high-end fashion is created From family-run workshops to businesses exporting all over the world T he textile and clothing sectors are deeply rooted and widespread throughout the Apulian territory, in South Italy. The presence of skilled workers, along with large networks of companies, has allowed the development of a complex production system that can meet fast delivery deadlines, guarantee production flexibility and be present on national and foreign grounds. Among the various textile districts in Apulia, the one of the Martina Franca area (in the province of Taranto) plays an important role for the regional economy because of the related industrial activities that are generated by the network of companies. The Martinesi companies are well-established in the world panorama and handle their competition thanks to the quality of their products and the existence of a consortium within the district. Together, the fashion companies have more power to compete on the global market. The textile district, indeed, focused its attention and efforts on delivering products that are standard bearers of quality, craftsmanship, high training (ensured by partnerships with universities and the establishment of an Institute that can provide technical training according to the needs of the manufacturing companies) and “Made in Italy”, which brings added value to the items. For these reasons, these companies have been leaders for several years in the production of high-end male outerwear (jackets and coats) and, more recently, have expanded into the production of tailored trousers, shirts and suits. Within the Martina Franca district, there are brands such as Tagliatore, Berwich, Angelo Nardelli 1951, Tardia, Fradi, Bottega Martinese, Hevò, 0909, Alessandro Dell’Acqua and Havana & Co, that now are available in the best Italian shops and are known internationally due to participation to the main textile and fashion events and fairs. PITTI UOMO Among the projects aimed at strengthening the identity and the market positioning of the Martinese district, it is essential to mention the “Martina is fashion” advertising campaign. Created by the council administration, the campaign was aimed at promoting the participation of ten companies of its fashion hub at Pitti Uomo. The first advertising campaign was launched during Pitti Uomo 2018, the most important Italian event for men’s clothing collections introducing new fashion projects on an international scale. The aim of the campaign was also to promote the territory, its history and traditions, making the Martinese area known all over the world both for its architectural beauty and its manufacturing production. During each Pitti’s edition the companies took part in, the advertisement was featured in the magazines of the Freccia trains of the Ferrovie dello Stato group, in the Ulisse magazine, available for free on Alitalia planes and in the best-selling newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”. The challenge for the future is to grow by focusing on quality and the right mix of innovation and tradition. ·