EVENTS | 05 Winter 2019 Events Calendar LEONARDO - EXPERIENCE AMASTERPIECE National Gallery, Ground Floor Galleries, London WC2N 5DN A journey through Leonardo’s painting studio to discover his secrets that will lead to the masterpiece, “The Virgin of the Rocks”, hanging on the walls of an imagined chapel. 9 th November - 12 th January 2020 LEONARDO – EXPERIENCE AMASTERPIECE: PRIVATE VIEW National Gallery, Ground Floor Galleries, London WC2N 5DN An exclusive event for the ICCIUK’s members to enjoy a private view of the long- awaited exhibition on Leonardo. Participation is by invitation only. The members will have an unmissable occasion that follows the collaboration between the ICCIUK, the National Gallery and Explora, the Destination Manager Organisation for Lombardy that is currently promoting the Northern Region during this event. 5 th December WELCOME TO 2020 NETWORKING DRINK Glasgow The first event of the year to welcome back our members and the Italo-Scots business community after the holiday break. An excellent occasion to discuss future collaborations and illustrate our exciting activities for the year to come. January 2020 TRE BICCHIERI TOUR TBC As tradition, the Tre Bicchieri world tour will stop in London to showcase those wines awarded with the prestigious namesake award by Gambero Rosso, the world’s authority on Italian food, wine and travel. Around 40 producers will attend representing the best of Italian cellars. The event is open to about wine operators who are welcome to register at 13 th February EDUCATIONALWORKSHOP Edinburgh Third appointment with our member Margherita Saccà-Briody, an experienced counsellor, who will provide Italian students, new graduates, and PHD researcher with valuable tips and suggestions on how to move their initial steps into the working environment. February 2020