TAKE COVER: Journalism Safety in Reporting Organised Crime

According to the last RSF report, in Italy alone there are 196 journalists whose freedom and lives are currently under threat because of their work. But Italy, the homeland of some of the most powerful mafia groups worldwide, is not alone: each and every single country in the old continent is at risk. And when press freedom is undermined, our society becomes fragile and our democracy is put in jeopardy too.
Our talk will aim to shed light on what can be practically done to protect journalists and press freedom, the essence of society.
We hope to see you on Thursday, 26th March 2020 at King’s College London.
The talk will bring testimony, experience, insights and stimulating ideas on how civil society should act, because it is no longer only up to journalists: it is up to all of us.
The talk will start with some acknowledgements by KCL’s Italian Society and a brief introduction by Firm UK.
Doors will be closing 5 minutes prior to the start of the event: please, allow yourself enough time to attend it.
Rebecca Vincent, UK Bureau Director for Reporters Without Borders;Pavla Holcova, investigative journalist and founder of investigace.cz;Paul Caruana Galizia, Editor at Tortoise Media.

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